My Polyvore.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

exams… (part 1)(you might actually learn something from this..ahhh)

Well, im actually supposed to be studying, but i really dont want to. So instead im going to tell all you imaginary people out there what i am studying for!

So currently at my school it is exam week. You’ve got to do an exam for every subject cept R.E. I’ve already done my English and IT. Tomorrow i’ve got my Economics first period and Italian last and on friday I’ve got Biology first and Maths last. Isnt it great that my two hardest subjects are on the same day!

Im actually gonna explain what the tomorrows are about and this wall actually help me. So i am studying!!

First off, economics. Well its pretty self explanatory, its about economics, lol. Our teacher gives us these green folders and they’re got photocopies from some worksheet. They explain that the economy is like a game of footy. The normal people (consumers, workers, investors and savers) are the players; i actually think spectators would be a better comparison, but meh. The teams are the government, businesses and trade unions. Coaches are the government (people like the treasurer) they look at the big picture.

Now lets get in to some terms.

Infrastructure is pretty important! If your economy dosnet have infrastructure you’re pretty much fucked. So what is it? well its things like buildings, roads etc. 

How do you measure growth in your ech? well by a thing called the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) its measures a countries output of goods and services in a give time.

Ok well my brother just said that i have to get off the lap top so i cant continue the post, but luckily i did the italian stuff first :P

Finally for italian.

So this is a lot easier compared to the Ech one because its not on all the stuff we’ve done for the semester, just the new unit. So what’s the unit about? Well its based on a really gay concept ‘Una serata romantica’ (a romantic evening) but we’re learning about food and stuff; like what are the names of the shops, how to set a table(like the name of cutlery) Stuff about cooking and in need (for example i need some bread), so its actually relevant.

So first i’ll start off with the name of the shops.

Pascticceria – cake shop

Panificio - bakery

Latteria – dairy shop (cheese and milk)

Salumeria - deli

Fruttivendolo – Fruit and vege shop

Ok so there a pretty important thing, its the i need. So when you go to a shop you say Un po’. . . . eg della pasta. (i need some . . . pasta)

There is a rule thing that you have to do you have to combine di (of) with the article; you have a thing at the start for ‘the’ which changes for the last letter of the main word for the ‘the.’ Eg il pane (the bread)  so here it is.

di + il  = del

di + la = della

di + l’ = dell’

di + lo = dei

di + la = della

di + gli = degli

Ok, well could texplain some other stuff, but i think i’ll look to the text book for the next part :P

Now stay tunned for part two. I dont think i’ll be doing maths, but Biology. Prepare to learn about your cells…

peace.. Sarah!

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