My Polyvore.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Spare time.

Do you like my band new banner? I do. I thought, hmm maybe since I've changed my fav band list over the months, and seeing that Florence and Patrick weren't even in the other banner, I needed a change.

Well what have I been doing this whole weekend, I've either been playing Ratchet and Clank on my brother's PlayStation 3 or writing this story I'm entering in a competition.

And now that's what I'm gonna do, write some more of that story.

Oh, check out some new stuff on my other blogs -
Summer Music and Italian Fashions.

xx. wcs

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I like books so fuck ya.

Hey mannnnnn (Red Ink introduction video, get with the program, geez! lol)

Well I haven't blogged in like ageessss, but oh well. Italy was amazing just so you know ;)

Now, I'd just like to dedicate this blog to books. Yep them thick things that mostly chill on people's shelves.

So, currently I am reading... Bram Stoker's Dracula! Now let me tell you, tis quite a good book. When I finish I'm going to watch the movies, first I'm gonna watch the black and white one from the 30's (I ♥ black and white movies) and then the one simply title 'Bram Stokers Dracula.' I've read about 2/3's of it and I just don't want to put it down, but I also want to finish it because I have about ten (no joke) books waiting in line, in which I will list later.
I've decided, that I'm going to read all the good Gothic stories, such as Dracula. How am I going to get these books? Christmas of course :P
I will be getting...
-Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
-Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
-The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
I did have others, but I can't remember them

Ok yet again I have to do this, I'm not going to tell you the books that are in line, sorry about that.

So anyways, cya.