My Polyvore.

Monday, November 18, 2013


I originally started doing a post reflecting on my first year of uni and doing a sorta 101, but I soon got bored and felt like a bit of a douche.

Now that I’ve finished uni, I can start working on my Goodreads reading challenge. This year I set it at 40 books, but I’m not going too well and I blame that on uni.

I thought that as soon as I finished school and started uni, I would have heaps of time to read. Boy was I wrong. We have to do so many readings for each subject, each week and plus I had books to read for literature.

This is really bad because I think I have a problem with buying books. Despite my inability to find time to read my books, I still buy them. And generally I don’t just buy one, no, I buy in friggen bulk. There is one exception however and that is when the books are full-priced-non-bargain-bin-second-hand-super-booksale books.

Anyway, hopefully now that I’m stopping literature I’ll have a bit more time to do my own reading. Eh, probably not considering I’m doing history, but I can hope.

I just started reading To The Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf and so far I’m liking it. All though the stream of consciousness is always hard to grasp, I’m liking it better than Mrs Dalloway.  I read Mrs Dalloway for lit, but I didn’t really like it that much because I found the central events (the whole party thing) so boring despite the scream of consciousness to keep it interesting.

Speaking of writing methodologies (sorta) I’ve just been looking through some of my old post, like circa 2010 and my god, my grammar and writing was so horrible! I feel really embarrassed, especially when I stumbled off a post about one of my old fan fics, which led me to follow the post to the good old THF. But some of the stuff I found there… god it’s a surprise they let me post it considering they have mods to check the chapters before they’re published. At least that’s in the past now, because check out this grammar!!

But looking at my old THF page made me want to start writing again, so maybe I might just start! It could be what I do in the Philippines for the holiday in Feb….

Ok bye, I’m going to have a look in the ol’ fic folder.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Same old, same old.

I realise this must just be a thing, this late night blogging. Maybe I’m some sort of blogpire or something. No probably not, that’s just me watching too much Supernatural. I’ve started watching the seasons all again now that I’ve finished uni, well almost. I’ve still got a exam to go and that’s for literature. To be completely honest I have no motivation at all to study, and I think it’s because this semester I haven’t gotten into lit as the previous semester. I liked the course itself, but I didn’t really like my tutor and I haven’t been getting the best marks. So that’s why I’m dropping lit next year and picking up history. I’m doing first year medieval and renaissance history, even though I’ll be in second year but I’m not even bothered by it because people don’t even care at uni.

When I wrote the first sentence of this blog “I realise this must just be a thing, this late night blogging” I was thinking yeah this has happened heaps of times, as if there had been a few days elapsed between posts….yeah no, try a year ago two times!

It’s really funny reading old posts, especially since I’m basically just repeating the same things over and over again. Like, I’m still watching Supernatural, I still want to play the Sims (but I’m up to my 9th generation now) and I’m still nearing the end of some sort of study period. Can you actually get a more boring life than that?! Well I’ll tell you one thing that is a exciting and that is I’m going to the Philippines in Feb. So it should be super sick, especially since I’m going to get some dresses custom made because it’s cheap to do so there, and it’s festa time!!!

So with that, here’s a super sick courtesy Connan Mockasin -