Right now I’m half watching the good old cartoon Teenage Mutant Turtles. The reason I’m doing this is to save myself from going mental, and the reason I was going mental is because I realised that I really really want to watch all my favourite childhood tv shows, but I can’t.
If you were to go on my favourite childhood TV shows (primarily cartoons) you would have to call me a tomboy. My favourite cartoons were Spiderman (the early 90s version), Teenage Mutant Turtles (the 03 version), the old Transformers (80s version) and even the original Yu-Gi-Oh.
I know that I preferred these versions of Spiderman and TMNT because they’re quite a lot darker and more serious (in the sense that they’re more detailed characters, especially TMNT) than some of the other versions I’ve seen. Well I mean, I think that’s why I still really like them now as a so called “adult”. So I assume that’s why I liked the other two, maybe.
Now the problem for me is that I really want to watch all of these, but alas, basically all I cannot buy, even online! So there you see my dilemma, which will probably never be resolved. First world problems at their finest.
Here enjoy this -
(All of the theme songs for my four favs are super cool, especially Yu-Gi-Oh, but since I love TMNT and are watching them now you get this).